Hello everyone,
No, you’re not too late! There is still time to sign up for our workshops:
Collecting, Managing, and Making Decisions from Data to Evaluate KPIs
Understanding the best ways to collect and manage data can be intimidating. And how do you decide on the best visualizations to share with stakeholders? We’ll cover challenges like these, and more, over four seminars:
The Value of Data for Transit Agencies: Monday, June 7
Working with Data: Tuesday, June 8
Data Governance: Wednesday, June 9
Tools and Advanced Applications: Thursday, June 10
All seminars will be from 1:00-3:00 p.m., ET (including a break)
Full workshop details and registration here
Digital Tools to Facilitate System Redesigns
Is your agency considering a system redesign, comprehensive operational analysis, or transit development plan? Or are you just thinking about whether it might be time to make changes to your system? If so, this workshop may be for you!
This workshop will bring together experts and participants to explore:
The considerations involved in, and potential benefits of, conducting a system redesign;
The system redesign process and phases; and
Approaches and tools – both fancy and simple! – that can be used to successfully carry out a system redesign.
Each of these topics will be illustrated using case examples from around the country and engaging, hands-on activities that will allow participants to explore the concepts and tools they can apply to their home systems.
Full workshop details and registration here
And don’t forget about our Request for Applications for Strike Team technical assistance.
We’re excited to offer all of these avenues for exploring transit technology!
Andrew Carpenter
Director, N-CATT
Did we mention our workshops?
- Collecting, Managing, and Making Decisions from Data to Evaluate KPIs
- Digital Tools to Facilitate System Redesigns
Partner TA Center Events
Making Mobile Trip Planning Work for You and Your Clients
The National Aging & Disability Transportation Center and the National Rural Transit Assistance Program (NRTAP) welcome you to join us in this training about mobile/online trip planning on June 10, 2021 at 2:00 p.m., EST. You will learn how to help individuals learn how to use online tools for trip planning with an emphasis on the individual need of the client. This one-hour workshop will include information on what is a mobile/online trip planner, how are they used, how do I teach someone to use a trip planner, and how can I get my agency’s transit services to show up on a trip planner. As we welcome riders back to our transportation programs, they may need a refresher on using your services, so why not introduce them to an online or digitized trip planning tool?
When: June 10, 2021, 2:00 – 3:00 pm EST
Register here
Transit Planning 4 All – MOD Affinity Group
TP4A’s Mobility on Demand Affinity Group is an online community promoting the sharing of agency-developed resources and peer-to-peer problem solving. The Basecamp-hosted group addresses mobility on demand and inclusive planning topics featuring ongoing online engagement, ad-hoc virtual meetings/think tanks, and a resource repository. This month’s topic is on rural MOD.
If you’re interested in participating, you can inquire here.
N-CATT Products
We’re making podcasts! Listen to our discussions on a range of topics with industry peers from across the country. Make sure to check back regularly and send suggestions for topics.
Our State Technology Summits were highly successful, and we want to share them with you. Unfortunately, we can’t hold them with everyone, so we created this Summit in a Box to encourage states, MPOs, and other groups to convene their transit stakeholders to identify their tech priorities.
This is a living resource, and we’d love to hear any suggestions for improvement. We’re also happy to review anything you put together from this. So please reach out!
Missed our latest webinars?
Not to worry! We have the recordings and all of our other publications available on Tech University.
We’re excited to see technology being developed specifically for small, rural transit agencies! A new open-sourced software called RideSheet aims to help demand-response providers in rural areas coordinate their scheduling and dispatching across agencies. Read more here.
The Cherokee Nation is leading the way in deploying electric buses for rural transit systems.
The Colorado Department of Transportation is deploying a microtransit service to connect Denver to ski resorts during ski season and during the summer.
About N-CATT Tech News
N-CATT Tech News is the newsletter of the National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT), which is operated by the Community Transportation Association under a cooperative agreement with the Federal Transit Administration.
Sign up for our monthly N-CATT News