Hello everyone,
As we head into the holidays, I wanted to let you know that we have now published our whole first round of white papers. We just started a new round, so we encourage you to use these to build a foundation around each topic.
- Open Data and Open Source Software: What are They and How to Use Them
- GTFS Flex: What is it and How is it Used?
- Automated Vehicles: Planning for the Future
- Mobility as a Service: Now and in the Future
- A Framework for Making Successful Technology Decisions
And we have more great stuff coming up. With this foundation that we’ve built through our white papers and webinars, we’re starting to point towards how transit agencies can most effectively navigate and implement new technologies. There will be video profiles and podcast episodes that highlight how some of your peers have applied new tech, and guidebooks on specific topics to walk you through those ideas in your agency’s context. In addition, keep an eye out for the opportunity to register for our two workshops that are under development.
And don’t forget, we have two solicitations out for consultants to help us develop and facilitate workshops. Questions were due last week, but you can still submit a proposal through December 31. Find the solicitations + questions and answers here: https://n-catt.aura-software.com/news/n-catt-seeking-virtual-workshop-designer-facilitators/
Stay tuned, and as always, reach out with any questions!
Andrew Carpenter
Director, National Center for Applied Transit Technology
Community Transportation Association of America
N-CATT Products
See all of our publications and webinars through Tech University
Visit the N-CATT Events page for information about offerings through N-CATT and our fellow TA centers.
For upcoming events of any FTA-funded technical assistance center and other relevant events for those audiences, the Federal Transit Administration is (FTA) is now hosting an Events webpage. Featured events currently include webinars, a safety workshop, and a technical assistance center roundtable discussion.
Don’t forget, we have two solicitations out for consultants to help us develop and facilitate workshops. Questions were due last week, but you can still submit a proposal through December 31. Find the solicitations + questions and answers here: https://n-catt.aura-software.com/news/n-catt-seeking-virtual-workshop-designer-facilitators/
Other Transit Tech News
This month, I want to focus on the efforts of an N-CATT Advisory Council member: Kendra McGeady at Pelivan Transit in Big Cabin, Oklahoma.
Kendra has been part of an effort to develop a regional on-demand transit service in partnership with three other agencies: INCA Community Services Inc. (JAMM Transit), Cimmaron Public Transit System, and KIBOIS Area Transit System. Together, they form the PICK Transportation project.
PICK is scheduled to launch in 2021, bringing afterhours on-demand transportation service to more than 29 rural counties serving 21 communities as part of a $1.5 million Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI) grant awarded by the FTA earlier this year.
PICK Transportation creates a single branded, regional on-demand transportation system that will cover more than 22,000 square rural miles across the southern side of the state.
“We are very proud of this project, and this partnership,” said Kendra McGeady, Director of Transit, Pelivan Transit. “With the breadth and scope of this project, we feel that we have a great opportunity to gauge what on-demand transit services look like in a rural setting.”
The PICK Transportation project will operate extended hours of services between 5:00 and 10:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday. A curb-to-curb, shared ride service model that includes a regional fare, and a fleet of 41 ADA compliant vehicles. Riders will have the ability to create, load and manage their individual accounts by associating a credit or debit card to load funds. PICK agencies will have the ability to aid riders in need of assistance loading and using their accounts.
“We hope to provide greater socioeconomic accessibility, and allow individuals additional freedom to be more flexible while planning their daily schedule,” said McGeady. “In addition to the driver rating survey which seeks feedback on specific trips, the PICK app will include a rider survey designed to determine how the program has enhanced individual access to social and community services, employment or other needs. How has this improved your life?”
The soft launch for PICK Transportation is planned for four of the 21 communities in February-March of 2021, with a full launch the 30 days following.
Are there other transit agencies doing innovative work? Let us know!
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About N-CATT Tech News
N-CATT Tech News is the newsletter of the National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT), which is operated by the Community Transportation Association under a cooperative agreement with the Federal Transit Administration.
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